Decolite SA exterior detailing

External Fins

Exterior Detailing – Vertical Fins

The Decolite vertical fins to the Virgin Active in Menlyn Maine Precinct Pretoria,  where a perfect application of external detailing. The massive 10m elements, in a simulated concrete finish, where chamfered in 2 directions in accordance with the architect’s requirements. Due to the fact that there are no limitations with regards to panel sizes, we are able to create the illusion that the elements are fabricated from large pieces of concrete. With Decolite, it is easy to imitate chamfered edges and Ferrel holes, as you would find in standard concrete external detailing.

Vertical external Fins used at Virgin Active in Pretoria as Exterior Detailing

External Fins Easy to Install

The Decolite external fins were fixed to a lightweight steel structure by means of a chemical and mechanical fixing system. Due to the ease of installation, we are able to minimise our time on-site thus enabling the whole programme to be accelerated.

Decolite external fins used as exterior detailing

Decolite is the perfect material for an external application due to its extremely hard external casing, making it the architects product of choice when considering unusual or large external elements.

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To view Decolite standard finishes, click here >

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